What Is Carers Leave

What Is Carer’s Leave? Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities

The hustle of work and life can be challenging, especially when a loved one requires care due to illness, injury, or emergencies. That’s where carer’s leave comes in.


But what exactly is carer’s leave, and how does it support employees in fulfilling caregiving duties without jeopardising job security?

This short article aims to provide an understanding of carer’s leave, explain what qualifies as carer’s leave, share an example, as well as your rights and responsibilities as an employee.


In Australia, carer’s leave refers to a type of workplace entitlement that allows employees to take time off to provide care or support to an immediate family member or household member experiencing a personal illness, injury, or emergency. This form of leave recognises the need for employees to balance their work responsibilities with caregiving obligations.


It is part of the National Employment Standards (NES) in Australia.


Employees may use carer’s leave to attend to the immediate care needs of a family member or household member, such as a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, or sibling. 

What Can Personal Carer’s Leave Be Used For?

Sick and carer’s leave in Australia can be used for various situations where an employee needs to provide care or support to a family member or household member due to a personal illness, injury, or emergency. Here are some common examples of personal carer’s leave:


Illness or Injury of an Immediate Family Member:

When an immediate family member or household member is sick or injured and requires the employee’s care and support.


Medical Appointments:

Attending medical appointments or accompanying a family member or household member to medical appointments.


Unexpected Emergencies:

Dealing with unexpected emergencies or situations that require immediate care, such as accidents or sudden health crises.


Providing Emotional Support:

Offering emotional support to a family member or household member during challenging times.


Caring for a Child:

Taking leave to care for a child who is unwell, injured, or requires immediate attention.


It’s important to note that personal carer’s leave is not intended for routine or planned caregiving situations, such as pre-scheduled medical appointments for the employee’s health. Instead, it is designed to address unforeseen circumstances that require the employee’s immediate attention and care.


  • Eligibility and Entitlements Full-time and part-time employees are eligible for paid carer’s leave, while casual employees can take unpaid leave if they meet certain criteria. Carer’s leave is part of an employee’s personal leave balance, which accumulates over time.
  • Duration of Carer’s Leave Full-time employees are entitled to 10 days of paid personal/carer’s leave per year, and part-time employees receive a pro-rata amount. Casual employees can take 2 days of unpaid carer’s leave if eligible. Carer’s leave can be taken consecutively or intermittently. 
  • Applying for Carer’s Leave Employees must notify their employer and provide necessary documentation, such as a carer’s leave certificate from a medical practitioner. Telehealth services are also accepted. 

What About Unpaid Carer’s Leave?

  • Unpaid leave for carer’s in Australia allows eligible employees to take up to two days off work without pay when caring for a sick family member or household member. Unlike paid personal or carer’s leave, this type of leave doesn’t accrue over time and is intended for situations where paid leave is unavailable or exhausted.
  • Employees should notify their employer as soon as possible and may be required to provide documentation, such as a medical certificate for the family member requiring care. Unpaid carer’s leave is vital for balancing work and caregiving responsibilities when financial compensation isn’t feasible.
  Keep in mind that employment laws and regulations can be subject to change, and specific conditions may vary based on individual employment contracts, enterprise agreements, or workplace policies. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to consult the Fair Work Ombudsman or seek guidance from a legal professional familiar with Australian employment law.

Getting an Online Medical Certificate for Carer’s Leave from MediLeave

At MediLeave, we’ve got you covered when seeking an online medical certificate for carer’s leave. Our platform is user convenient, user-friendly, and available 24/7 for you.


You can get your carer’s leave certificate from the comfort of your home within an hour from only $15.95!


Our platform ensures a smooth and timely submission process, making it a reliable choice for carer’s leave medical certificate requirements.


Get a Carer’s Certificate now from us from only $15.95

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog. Reliance on any information provided in this blog is solely at your own risk. The health and medical information on this site is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied.